Wednesday 20 February 2008

Swirled Harvest

Crop Circles have been much written about. What can I add?
Only my own experience and a nudge in their general direction.

For some reason, and not without the company of my peers, I had never given much thought to one of the most phenomenal phenomenons that occurs on earth. As I became more aware of,and interested in the information that had persistently evaded my school curriculum and the evening news, I was lead onto the breathtaking, aerial photographs of some of the formations that appear within moments in our fields worldwide. With an open mind and a kindled curiosity, I took a little peek down the rabbit hole.

I was rewarded. Reading Freddy Silva's seminal text; 'Secrets in the Fields' I found a world of rich and mysterious ideas and happenings. I was introduced to the language of Sacred Geometry, the fundamental patterns and forms by which all physical form manifests, and soon found myself creating mandalas and mathematical explorations of shape almost compulsively. The discovery of the remarkable balance, energy and spiritual gratification of this practice can truly be marked as a great moment in my growth and development. So if there were a bunch of Pythagorean farmers out there, I owed them my gratitude. Fortunately(?) for any fan of novelty, they were absent from the field. I followed the facts.

Whilst a group of aspiring sacred artists or disinformation merchants can do great things with some planks of wood and lengths of string gone midnight, it does not quite resemble their muse. whilst 2x4's will flatten plants to the ground, smash stalks and generally make a mess, the bona fide 'circlemakers' are somehow persuasive enough to encourage each plant to bend, near the base, at a right angle and continue to grow, undamaged, horizontally. However, they can tire of this and return to their upright position some weeks later, often growing taller than their unshaken companions. According to many witnesses and proven windows of opportunity, this occurs in just a few seconds. Electromagnetic disturbances, gnostic messages and military involvement all further served the unfolding drama. I had to see for myself.

On the Summer Solstice of 2007 I found myself on the road to Wiltshire with my father and his partner. After raising the topic in conversation, he had told me of his own interest and visits to the sites, a fact he had somehow neglected to mention previously. With some rough directions and an adventurous spirit, we made our way through the sleepy, sunbathed villages and hedgerows towards the mystery. After spotting a large formation, we parked up and I ran ahead into the waist high corn. Like a deja-vu or some half remembered dreamscape, I was presented with the alien familiarity of the scene. Neatly laid, weaved and spiraled, the plants silently offered their riddle. As I moved through the setting, feeling energized and lucid, we were joined by the buzz of airborne visitors. Not the UFOs that had been reported in connection with many circles, but the more familiar sight of military helicopters, some marked, others predatory, black, Apache gunships that circled like sharks around us. They left after a while and we continued to other, more tranquil formations. After a quick, 12 hour, overnight stop at the solstice gathering at Stonehenge, I returned home.

Since then, my awe and love for the designs has only increased. The newfound appreciation that I have for visual form as well as the limitless nature of possibility have become very much a part of my daily life and experience. With pilgrims now traveling thousands of miles to visit the holy grain, crop circles seem to have all the makings of miracles.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

A few things to begin with...

9/11 was an inside job. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. The pyramids are not massive tombs. Governments of the world engage in advanced chemical, electromagnetic and cultural psychological warfare against their citizens. They will fail. It is very likely, upon evaluating the evidence, that extra-terrestrial beings came from the Sirius star system to earth and founded multiple civilizations 5000 years ago. There is a benevolent universal force. Some are bold enough to call it god. Chakras are not an invention of the 'New Age' movement. Fluoride was first introduced into drinking water in Germany by the Nazis as a mind control agent, it is a poison. Change your toothpaste. I'll listen to you talk about Jesus all day but don't tell me I'm going to hell. Dogma is unhealthy in all its guises. The physical world does not manifest without the participation of conscious entities. There is no spoon. When in search of answers always ask yourself first. Crop circles are a genuine phenomenon that deserve your attention. "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance". Eating food that contains antibiotics, artificial chemicals, genetically modified organisms, and intensively produced meat defeats the purpose of sustenance. The Illuminati are an organisation of very real and very misguided individuals. Meditation will teach you more than watching television. The universe responds to your thoughts and intentions. 35 out of 42 Presidents of the United States of America have been descendants of one ancient monarchist bloodline. It's worth paying attention the phase of the moon each day. Hate nothing. Love everyone. Drugs are not bad. Drugs are not good. Drugs are drugs. At 11.11am, GMT on the 21st of December 2012, the human inhabitants of earth will arrive at a new level of psychic evolution that we are already accelerating towards."All matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves".